Yesterday, I tried something a little different than normal. I let Little man plan most of the day, instead of going on our normal schedule (which was screwed up with the holiday anyway). He ran with this idea. I kind of did this as an experiment to see how he felt with more independance but also to get an idea of what his mind is actually like. Boy did I learn.
Our day started out by having a picnic in the backyard. He picked out the food and drinks and carried the blanket. We sat and ate and talked for a good 10 minutes before he got bored. So we picked up the blanket and went back inside. He finished most of his food. Then he wanted to go back outside and throw the ball for the dog. Originally this activity was scheduled to last 2 hours by his words. About 15 minutes into that, he got bored so back in the house we went. Then it was off to the park right up the block. Plus, he said I had to take my camera (which I was gonna do anyway) so that I could take pictures. He played on each toy once. This means we were at the park for 10 minutes, and then he got bored. All of this so far with walk and making meal time had been about an hour. Then he wanted to watch "IronMan", his ultimate favorite movie right now. Next thing I know, I am waking up from a short nap (like 20 minutes or so) and he is in his bathing suit. Time for the pool, mom! So off we went. He loves the pool. So we actually stayed in there for about 30 minutes before he got too cold. A little while later, back in he got. Then to top his day off, he was invited to go see fireworks with his best friend and her family. While I was getting him ready to go he stopped and said "Thanks for the best day ever, Mom!" It warmed my heart. So much, that I didn't even make him pick up his toys and clothes.
Two things I've learned from this:
1. I think I need to let him have some time to plan his own days. I'm not saying everyday, but I think the release from the structure for a bit helped him realize why he needs it.
2. I also got to see how his mind works. It is very fast paced in there. I can totally understand why he gets upset when words get stuck in his head....why he starts talking and can't finish a sentence because he can't remember what he was going to say or can't grasp the right word. Why he has trouble sleeping. I see the mind racing and the body trying so hard to keep up. It was very interesting.
I want to say that he and I had one of the best days since his diagnosis. I think he enjoyed being "in charge" and I enjoyed letting him pull me along for the ride. I have always loved my Little man, always. But now I love knowing what that little mind does and maybe lets me understand him and ADHD a little bit more.
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