Monday, July 25, 2011

In Tune

Today is day 3 of Little Mans return to meds. The first day was strange. I forgot that the first day was a druggie day. He was very lethargic and quiet. The second day, I saw a Little Man that I haven't seen since school got out. Yes, we still had little arguments, but he was much easier to talk to about things that weren't his way. I almost broke down at the end of yesterday because there was such a change. I have been depriving him of his meds. What mother could do that to there child. I thought I was doing the right thing all that time. But in hindsight, we were trying to help him. I can't look back now, just go forward. He is slowly morphing back into the little man he was, and its great. He even says he feels better already...on day 2! He spent most of the day in his room, organizing, before heading out to the pool. I am so glad that we finally bit the bullet and put him back on hi meds. Best thing yet!

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